Fundraising Raffle

Flintheath is hosting a Fundraising Raffle at St Bede's Fair
All proceeds go towards supporting current and upcoming Flintheath events, so we can give you all much better experiences.
Anyone can donate – bring your items from your SCA spring cleaning! (Any SCA items that you don't use anymore, or any handmade items that you want to donate are welcome.)
Here is how it works:
* Ticket prices are 1GBP per ticket for adults, 50P per ticket for the kids. Buy as many tickets as you like
* There will be a ticket box in front of each item for you to place your ticket(s)
* All the items will be displayed on Saturday. Check them out and decide which one(s) you'd like to win and put your tickets in the box
* Keep half of your ticket for the winner announcements
* Winners will be announced on Sunday
If you plan to donate item(s), please fill out the Raffle Donation Form to help us keep track and organize the Raffle items - thanks!
Event Steward:
Lady Rebecca of Flintheath
Viscountess Eularia Trewe
Viscount Ranulf li Norreis
Archery Marshal:
Viscountess Euphrosyne Eirenikina
Rattan Marshal:
Viscount Ranulf li Norreis
Equestrian Marshal:
Lady Katherine of Glastonbury
Rapier Marshal:
Lady Rebecca of Flintheath
Arts & Sciences:
Lady Joanne Yarrowe &
Lord John Yarrowe
Site Steward:
Lord Captain Kenneth Elliot
Camp Herald:
Lord Captain Kenneth Elliot
Viscount Alexandre d’Avigné