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Feast Menu

We intend to provide enough variety in each meal to accommodate common dietary restrictions.  Those with allergies or specific dietary restrictions should consult the event menus and feast recipes to determine if the food will be suitable, or if they should make alternate arrangements.


Please contact the Event Steward Bella Donna at  with specific information re: any other allergens. 

GF = Gluten Free
DF = Dairy Free

V = Vegetarian
VG = Vegan

UPDATED: 28-11-2023!

Course 1

"Cockentrice"  -DF, GF

Pork and chicken roulade with stuffing containing eggs, salt,  pepper, cloves, ginger, saffron, currants and sugar. My take on a historical recipe.

"Potage of Rice"  -DF, GF, Veg, V

 Cooked rice with almond milk, white wine (Alcohol -free*) , honey and turmeric


"Buttered Cabbage"  -DF, GF, Veg, V

White cabbage with DF butter


Black Grape Sauce  -DF, GF, Veg, V

Black grapes with red wine (Alcohol-free*) , cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, pepper, ginger, sugar, pepper

* Alcohol Free

Alcohol Free White and Red wine from Tesco.

Course 2

"Lentils with Herbs"  -DF, GF, Veg, V

Lentil stew with green herbs (sage, parsley and mint), onion, garlic and white vinegar

"Arbolettys" - GF, Veg *NEW*

Scrambled eggs with milk, cheese, ginger, galangal, parsley, dried sage.


"Losyns"  -Veg

Pasta sheets layered with cheddar cheese powdered with Poudre Douche* 


"Spynoches yfryed"  -DF, GF, Veg, V

Fried spinach with Poudre Douche* 

* Poudre Douche

Ginger, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmeg, Sugar

Course 3

"Royal Venison Broth "  -DF, GF *NEW*

Venison stew with leek, fennel and coriander.


"Oaven roasted root veg" -DF, GF, Veg, V

Parsnips, carrots, Turnips, Beets


"Funges"  -DF, GF, Veg, V

Fried mushrooms with fresh parsley and garlic.


"Bread" -DF, GF, Veg, V

Various types of bread, GF, Rye, etc

honey butter, normal unsalted butter, mixed herb butter. (All butters are DF)

Course 4

"Spiced Apples"  -DF, GF, Veg, V

Baked apples with cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg and sugar

"Variety of Yoghurts"   -DF, (GF), Veg, (V)

Rosewater yoghurt
Honey yoghurt
Plain yoghurt

(DF yoghurt, plain, available)


Event Steward: 
Lady Bella Donna


Deputy Event Steward &

Royal Liaison:

Viscountess Euphrosyne Eirenikina


Reservations Steward:

Viscountess Eularia Trewe

Herald in Charge:
Captain Kenneth Elliot

Feast Cook:
Frú Aðísla Arnulfsdóttir


Head Server:

Vicomte Alexandre d'Avignon


Culinary Specialties:

Lady Milada von Schnecken

Marshal in Charge:

Vicomte Alexandre d'Avignon

Arts & Sciences:

Noble Henric vanden Casteele

Lady Shannon of Oak of Honour Hill

Honourable Lady Bronwen Selwyn

Site Stewards:

Honourable Lord Nero Lupo

​Baron Nicholas de Estleche dictus le Tardif

Dance & Ball Coordinators:
Lady Joanne Yarrowe

Lord John Yarrowe

Gaming Tavern:
Honourable Lady Bronwen Selwyn

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